Oracle Forms Record and Play - Overview
Here is an overview of the steps you need to perform to use Record and Playback:
- Perform the Forms Playback setup. (One-off activity)
- Record a load, following the instructions &
"rules" in this User Guide. It is easiest to record a load by configuring an Oracle user for recording and the load will be automatically recorded whenever you logon as that user.
- Copy the load file you have just recorded from the server to your PC.
Take a copy of the file at this stage so you
have a copy of your original recording.
- Open the file in DataLoad. Make sure you make the correct selections
in the Header Value Selection form. More...
- DataLoad will display the data you recorded in Step 2. Replace and add
to that data.
- Save your changes and copy the file back to the server. Ensure the file
is named and located as detailed in your setup (Step 1).
- Start the playback. Logon using the user you have configured for playback; select a Responsibility and Form and the load will start automatically.