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Email Address
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Company Name*
Application used with DataLoad
If Oracle E-Business, what version?

*If you are a consultant please enter the name of the end user organisation

Getting Support for DataLoad

DataLoad has been tested with many enterprise applications, including Oracle E-Business Suite 10.7 to R12.2, and on all recent Windows operating systems (32-bit and 64-bit and including Windows 10). If you have problems using DataLoad, either because you don't know how to do something or because your load isn't behaving as you would expect, please follow the following steps. In particular, unless you have purchased DataLoad Professional please treat email support as a last resort, however if you need to contact us about a DataLoad issue or anything else then please do not hesitate.

1. Read the DataLoad User Guide, the latest version of which is at

2. If the problem is to do with the way DataLoad works, or if you suspect you have found a DataLoad bug, please download the most up to date version to determine if the problem has been fixed.

2. Use the DataLoad Forum. You may find someone has already asked what you need to know, but if not then post your question there.

3. Where problems are encountered which are not addressed by the user guide or on the forum, email support is available. Contact DataLoad Support at:

If you contact us concerning a problem you are having with DataLoad please supply as much of the following as possible:

DataLoad version
Application name and version, e.g. Oracle E-Business Suite 12.2
Operating system (Windows 10, Citrix, etc)
Name of the form you are loading into
Screen dumps of any error messages
A copy of your DataLoad .dld or .fld file
Steps to reproduce the problem